Bad weather, especially snow causes all sorts of difficulties in school. If we have to take the decision to close the following arrangements are in place to notify parents and students.
The large number of our students come to school by bus therefore we must take into consideration the feasibility of buses being able to access the school. The health and safety of our students are a priority and if we do not think the buses will be able to get through safely the school may have to close.
If a decision is taken to close the school early in the morning, then this will be announced:
When large numbers of schools are closing, updates on the BBC website may be delayed. Therefore we encourage all parents to have at least one contact set up on our Parentmail* system as we will send an email and text message to all contacts should the decision to close be taken.
*Contact reception to set up Parentmail, if you are not already using this.
Parents should share a contingency plan with your son / daughter as to who they should contact / where to go (if not home) if the school has to close early for whatever reason and if no one would be at home. We also recommend this to parents if their son / daughter travels in of a morning on the bus and for whatever reason they don’t get it. (E.g. pupil late / bus doesn’t show up).
It is impossible for the school to telephone every parent to inform them of early closure so please ensure your child knows exactly what to do in this event.
At break and lunchtimes, we encourage students to enjoy our fantastic outdoor space. There is always a limited indoor space available for students to study and relax, however when rain or other heavy weather makes outdoor play unsuitable, we will ring the school bell three times to signal to staff and students that a 'wet break' is in effect. Students will then be directed to specific supervised indoor spaces where they can keep warm and dry. Students must stay in their designated year team areas during wet breaks.
In addition, if rain is heavy, the College will allow students into the Drama Studio from 8am (doors usually open at 8:15am).
Please note that the above will only be put into effect when the rain is more than a drizzle. Encourage your child to check the weather forecast and bring a coat when there is a chance of rain, as they will still need to be outside if it is only lightly raining; and will also need to move around outside before and after school, and between lessons regardless of the weather.
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