During Year 9, you will fully develop and use skills and knowledge acquired from your first two years of secondary schooling, be assessed in all curriculum areas, and make final choices about Key Stage Four study which will influence your future career pathways as well as opportunities in further and higher education. You will also begin GCSE work in core subject areas.
Students study the core subjects and four additional options from a wide range customised to suit a range of interests and abilities. Almost all students will study nine full GCSE subjects, with the majority taking the EBacc suite (a Language and either History or Geography) plus an additional 2 options.
All year 10 and 11 students will study:
Whereas all or most of GCSE assessment takes place at the end of the two year course as an examination, more than half of assessment within Awards is non-examined, eg coursework, practical, performance-based. Awards at Level 1 are equivalent to GCSE grades 1-3 and Awards at Level 2 are equivalent to GCSE grades 4-8.
Support you will get in choosing your options:
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