The ‘Thomas Estley Way’ guides pupils to show kindness, respect, courage, perseverance and resilience in classrooms and around the school. This is the foundation for a culture of mutual respect. Pupils are happy. Relationships between pupils and staff are strong. The school is calm and orderly. Pupils benefit from high-quality pastoral guidance. They trust staff to keep them safe.
(Ofsted 2024)
The school has developed a broad and ambitious curriculum. It is organised in a way that helps pupils build on what they have learned previously. The curriculum is challenging and prepares pupils well for their next steps. The school is aspirational for all pupils. Teachers are subject experts. There are high expectations for pupils’ academic achievements.
(Ofsted 2024)
The school prioritises pupils’ wider personal development. There is a well-considered programme that helps pupils develop their character and leadership skills. This includes a wide range of opportunities. In the wider community, pupils are involved with charity work and projects in local primary schools. Pupils are well informed about their future choices.
(Ofsted 2024)
"At Thomas Estley, we believe in providing the best mix of support and challenge to help your child achieve their academic potential whilst maximising their wellbeing and growth as a young person, ready to tackle the complex and competitive world of further study and work. Our college works to 'Build Leadership and Character Together' as a 'Community of Courage and Commitment to Success', and we are passionate about developing young people who make a positive difference to the society around them whilst developing their own potential and overcoming barriers. We are fully committed to a learning environment which is inclusive of all abilities and needs, personalising learning within a family and community ethos. We have high standards of work and behaviour at the college, and we believe that the focus for each of our children is achieving their personal best, whatever that may be, and developing their confidence and passion in learning. Our core values are Courage, Respect, Kindness, Perseverance and Resilience, and they are embedded in all that we do.
Our specialist teaching staff provide a rich and well balanced curriculum including coverage of all traditional subjects as well as opportunities to develop additional skills for life, work and independence within extra elements such as our Year Nine Specialisms, our modular curriculum weeks and our wide-ranging extracurricular enrichment programme. Our Thomas Estley Leadership and Character curriculum is fully embedded into our provision, with a mix of leadership entitlement and extensive enhancement opportunities from Years Seven to Eleven. We are regularly approached to share best practice with a range of national and international visitors, and lead a teaching alliance of secondary and primary partners within Leicestershire, as well as being a SSAT Leading Edge School. Our pursuit of excellence ranges from achieving high academic outcomes and linked destinations, including Russell Group University visits and programmes, through consistent development of local and national sports champions, to awards and accolades across many curriculum and other areas.
The college is a vibrant, innovative and forward-looking institution, a place which never stands still but constantly seeks improvement. We are delighted to welcome visitors and prospective parents and students; please contact us if you would like to know more about the unique experience which we offer. We look forward to accompanying your child on their exciting learning journey towards success."
- Mandi Collins, Principal
We belong to Success Academy Trust, committed to building leadership and character together.
Thomas Estley Learning Alliance provides initial teacher training and continuous training and development for teachers and leaders across Leicestershire.
We are an SSAT Leading Edge school in partnership with high achieving schools across the country.
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